Heming Nelson

Executive Producer

Heming oversees all the videos created at 4Science. He is a highly experienced producer, editor and videographer with a passion for creating engaging science content. He has over two decades of experience creating science videos for professional associations, foundations, and advocacy groups.

Heming has an undergraduate degree in Economics from Boston College, and a Master of Science in Economics from the London School of Economics. He began his career in Washington working as a legislative assistant to Representative Sherwood Boehlert, the former Chairman of the House Science Committee. He then worked as an associate at the Council on Competitiveness, a Silicon Valley think tank that promoted government investment in the fledgling World Wide Web.  He later worked as a researcher at The Washington Post where he worked on a series of stories that won a Pulitzer for investigative reporting. His last job was at the venture-backed survey research firm SpeakOut.com, before founding 4Site Interactive Studios in 2001. 

One of his early projects at 4Site was to produce SAGE Crossroads, one of the first webcast series. It was hosted by Mort Kondrake and featured some of the world’s most prominent scientists. 4Site eventually developed a thriving, live-event video practice, recording and broadcasting events by the nation’s leading scientific organizations, including AAAS, NIH, MIT, and the National Academies. 

Heming took a break from event production to crew a feature film, Chronic Town, which debuted at the Sundance Film Festival in 2008. Heming’s experience on the movie nurtured an interest in storytelling, and he soon began producing more narrative works. Since that time, Heming has produced hundreds of short-form videos, including animated explainers, biographies of prominent scientists, and training videos. 

Heming believes passionately in the power of science to advance and improve our society. He feels that the greatest threat to our world comes from the willful ignorance of media outlets and politicians who stoke the flames of resentment in order to reap short term victories at the cost of long term harm. The best way to combat this is through promoting the scientific method. 

Outside of work, Heming can often be found riding one of his many bicycles, walking his dog Comet through DC’s Rock Creek Park, or playing basketball with his twin sons.