The University of Massachusetts Medical School asked us to create an engaging video to help community leaders learn more about preventing health problems using health research, a systematic approach to addressing specific health challenges. We utilized a white board animation style to help illustrate the message, delivered with an approachable and friendly tone.
The National Women’s Health Network, along with a diverse coalition of over 80 health, science, and consumer organizations, organized a campaign to put pressure on the FDA to lift medically unnecessary restrictions on mifepristone, despite its proven safety record. We created this video to help communicate the coalition’s message and drive viewers to their petition. The video was designed with bold, eye-catching graphics, and written to inform viewers about this important healthcare access issue.
This organization needed a short, entertaining video to support their campaign to challenge the myths and misperceptions about mental illness and addiction, and to foster change through awareness and dialogue about the real and damaging impact of stigma.